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About me Hi, I’m Dan 👋

I’m an extremely passionate person in everything I do and my number one passion is my spirituality. As I enter the Saturn Return era of my life, I find myself exploring what it really means to feel fulfilled in what I do and what I want out of life. A scary path to journey down, but a very very necessary one!

I’m always open to discuss my journey with spirituality and love opening other’s eyes to the path. If you’re interested in exploring the world of yoga, mindfulness and meditation, I run group Wellbeing Wednesday sessions for Leftie Legends at lunchtime 🧘🏻‍♂️ Come join us!


🎯 Goals

🦸‍♀️ My superpowers

🤩 What motivates me

😩 What frustrates me

🥰 What brings me joy

🥴 When I am not at my best